Hi friends! Stopping by today to share something that I want all women out there to hear. You see, I used to have a terrible relationship with food, exercise and myself. I thought it was my body’s fault and I thought I just hadn’t found the right diet or exercise regime to do, but boy, what I wrong. It wasn’t about the foods I was eating or the workouts I was doing, it was about the mindset I had during this time.
Ever had any of these thoughts run through your mind?
“But, I just need to stick it out on this quick fix diet! Then I will get to X weight “
“I just want to lose some weight and then I can worry about my metabolism”
“UGH, I just want to lose weight, I don’t care what it takes”
I know how badly you want to hit your “end goal”, but is it worth causing more harm in the process? Sometimes we just want to get to X weight, or look like that fitness model, but this mindset is toxic. The journey to get to a goal is more important than the end goal itself. What matters is training yourself to change your habits, find that balance and create that new routine that will eventually lead you to the outcome you desire.
I spent many years yoyo dieting and feeling guilty when I slipped up. I would exercise too much, then exercise too little and hated my body in the process because I never felt consistent. I gave up the idea of looking like my favorite fitness model and just focused on making my life healthier, happier and one worth living. Nothing feels better than finally tackling the toxic mindset I used to have and actually having a healthy relationship with food exercise and most importantly, myself! If you feel trapped in your current diet cycle, I encourage you to let it go and focus on loving you and loving your lifestyle. When you love yourself, you can trust yourself for life and you never have to worry about the next new diet or fad. You got this!